Monday, September 02, 2013

Lightning Seeds Renault Scenic advert

Regrettably Tim Pope, in his Tim Pope wisdom, has seen fit to remove the video referred to below from his website. I apologise for any disappointment. Let's hope someone, somewhere, kept a copy.

Anyone else who, like me, has wanted to see again the triffic 'back projection' Renault Scenic advert set to Marvellous by the Lightning Seeds, will be fed up trying to find it on Youtube.

But they'll be pleased to know it's on Tim Pope's website. Bit of a surprise to find it's his work, as he hasn't crossed my path since the Boys Don't Cry video.

To reassure people stumbling across this on searches, I'm referring to the cowboy/Indian/James Bond version of the advert. The other versions are on Youtube, including the 'studio backdrop' one and the 'car rolling down the hill' one.